EUSA 2019
The 2019 European Universities Mindsports Championship took place in Budapest. 14 universities sent their players to compete in the bridge team’s championship. After four days of playing with a tight schedule the Kozminski University’s team (Warsaw, Poland) won the gold medal. The silver medalists were the players from the Charles University (Prague, Czech Republic). They beat Kozminski University in the last round and they would have needed only 1 more VP to finish ahead of the Polish squad. The bronze medal went to Wroclaw University of Science and Technology (Wroclaw, Poland).
On the second day of the event we organized a small evening pairs tournament. Not all juniors participated which is understandable after they have already played 64 board that day, but the ones who just cannot get enough of bridge were there. We filled the field with Hungarian players to reach 10 tables.
In this board after the diamond lead declarer wanted to get to the dummy somehow to lead clubs. After leading the queen of spades south took the trick with the king and led the king of hearts to reduce the chance of a club ruff. With the next spade lead declarer finally got to dummy and led a club to the jack after South playing small and played the ace of spades which was ruffed by North. At this point, North continued with the jack of hearts: sacrificing his trump trick and completely cutting declarer from dummy to earn 3 club tricks for his side. With this nice defense NS took away all the overtricks from declarer and scored almost 90%.