Budapest Team Championship – Week 3

Budapest Team Championship – Week 3

This week the 3rd round of Budapest Teams Championship was held, and all the group leaders kept their place. In I/A team Galim lost for the first time – by 1 IMP against team Elastron – but they are still almost 10 VPs ahead of the 2nd. In the Group A of I/B team Csillagvirág proved that their place is at the top of their group collecting 20 VPs against one of the favorites. In Group B team Ecosoft won 17.41 VPs, this was their worst(!) result so far. With their strong performance they are leading the field by almost 20 VPs, seems like they don’t want to leave decision about qualifying to I/A to the last minute.

This time, the board of the week is about bidding. András Budinszky and András Talyigás reached the grand slam on this board using 17 bids, which is quite a lot, considering there are only 35 possible bids in the bidding box. Opening with a precision 1♣ East started a relay sequence and he had enough space to learn almost every card West held. First, he discovered the 4-5-3-1 distribution, the 11+ points and the 0 aces (4♦). Later West showed the queen of hearts and the king of spades and denied the king of diamonds. East still wanted to know West’s remaining honors to see if there are 13 easy tricks in 7NT or should they play the safer 7♥. West promised the queen of spades, the jack of hearts and denied the queen of diamonds and the jack of spades so he had to have the king of clubs to have 11 points. Knowing all this, East decided to bid 7♥ and claimed right after drawing the trumps.

Here is another interesting situation, after the seven of diamonds lead, how do you plan to make 3NT, which card would you play from dummy?

Budapest Team Championship – Week 2

Budapest Team Championship – Week 2

The second round of the Budapest Teams Championship was just as interesting as the first one. In division I/A the 12 teams will play a full round robin and after the second week team GALIM is leading, with two big wins they are 12 VPs ahead of the second team. In division I/B the field is separated into two groups with 8-8 teams each, playing a 7 weeks long qualification at first. In one of the groups they have a team with a significant lead as well, team ECOSOFT is almost a 10VPs away from the rest of the field. The other group seems to be more balanced with team CSILLAGVIRÁG on the front. You can find all results here: I/AI/B. Let’s see an interesting board from this week.

E-W can make 12 tricks in hearts, spades or NT, but only 3 pairs reached the slam. At the table above Balázs Kotányi played 3NT and managed to get all the tricks by squeezing North. However, László Marcin could have avoided his fate, if he had led a diamond honor instead of a small diamond. After leading a small one his partner had to play the jack in the first round, and he was stuck with the sole guard of both minors.

Here is another interesting situation, after the seven of diamonds lead, how do you plan to make 3NT, which card would you play from dummy?

Budapest Team Championship – Week 1

Budapest Team Championship – Week 1

The Budapest Teams Championship has started, and you can follow everything that’s happening in the divisions I/A with 12 teams and I/B with 16 teams. We were excited about the first week, because this was the first time for the I/B division to play on tablets as well. Luckily most of the players were familiar with the system, since they had many opportunities to try it already. Here you can see the results of division I/A and I/B.

At first glance you wouldn’t even think that board 4 in I/B can be interesting. The contract was 2spades on several tables but whatever the declarers tried, the defenders had an answer. For example on the diagram above, you can see Ádám Magyar and Tamás Hoffmann squeezing dummy for the -2. It turned out to be a push board at the end, but still their play worth to look at.



The 6th World Youth Open Championships were held in Opatija, Croatia and we had the honor to host the BAM tournament with the LoveBridge system. The 3-day event started with a qualification round on the first two days which began with 34 teams playing 28 boards. On the second day, the teams who couldn’t qualify to the semifinals of the IMP team events were added to the field. This way 50 teams were fighting to make it to the final where the fourteen teams with the best result decided who will be the BAM champion this year. The teams not qualifying got the chance to play in the B final where 34 teams participated.
The final rankings in group A:
  1. GREISNOR: – Christian Bakke, Ioannis Oikonomopoulos, Amir Ezion, Tomer Loonstein
  2. ITALIA U26: – Giovanni Donati, Roberto Sau, Giacomo Percario, Sebastiano Scata, Francesco Chiarandini, Alvaro Gaiotti
  3. SXNEBULA: – Jaihao Yang, Hanyang Dai, Tianyao Yan, Penghao Wang, Hao Xu, Yingqi Wang
The final rankings in group B:
  1. INDIA-B U26: – Babhrubahan Bose, Arya Chakraborty, Surajit Bar, Pradip Dey
  2. ITALIA 2: – Matteo Meregally, Alessandro Carletti, Maddalena Pelaggi, Annachiara Pelaggi
  3. FRANCE FUNBRIDGE: – Luc Bellicaud, Theo Guillemin, Clement Teil, Leo Rombaut
This was the biggest event played on tablets so far with more than 200 players. It was the first time for most of the juniors to play with the LoveBridge system, yet they found barely any trouble to use it. We got many positive feedbacks from the directors, they confidently used our system to see the line of play in the questionable boards, and the players found it useful as well that the directors know all the exact information about bidding, play and time management at the tables. We were happy to see that the participants were not afraid to use the settings and personalized their way of play. It wasn’t a surprise that everybody loved looking at the private scores and results whenever they had time for it. We enjoyed our time at the BAM championship a lot and we would like to thank to the WBF for the opportunity and to the players for participating and making our first world championship a memorable one. We hope we will meet on many LoveBridge events in the future. We made a couple short interviews to see what people think about a LoveBridge, you can see them yourselves in this video.
Summer Series – Week 8

Summer Series – Week 8

The summer is not completely over yet, but our Summer Series has finished. 21 pairs played on the last day and they were not only competing for the first place of this competition, but also for the cumulated championship through the whole summer. The winners of the tournament are Gábor Macskásy with Gábor Szőts and with his last victory Macskásy became the most successful player of the ’19 Summer Series as well. The second best result of the eight weeks’ turned out to be a triple tie, Krisztián Tichler, István Kerti and Marcell Surányi finished with the same amount of points right behind Macskásy. You can find the results here.

We saw many interesting boards this week as well, let’s look at some of them.

Gábor Szőts in this board got the opportunity to make 9 tricks but he had to be careful to have enough communication between his hand and the dummy. Making the second overtrick in 1Nt resulted in 88,5%.

Here Gábor Macskásy realized that playing 5C in a pairs tournament will most likely be a bad board for them. This way going down in 6C couldn’t be much worse, so he risked bidding six in hope for a better result.



The Kajaani Bridge Club in Finland started to use LoveBridge in the end of May. Recently the club celebrated its 50th anniversary with a Finland-wide bridge festival and they invited us to celebrate with them. We hosted a LoveBridge tournament, the results can be found here.

If you are curious about our adventures, you can watch our road trip video and a few words from them here.