Almost everyone led a spade from South against the no trump contracts, but at this table the opener knew better from the bidding. Béla Benedek attacked the contract with the ace and queen of diamonds. Now North had all the high diamonds, he only had to gain the lead somehow. Declarer ran his hearts and after finessing the queen of spades he switched to the jack of clubs. This creative play could have been successful weren’t South been on the spot. However, Benedek knew that his partner’s only chance to take a trick is in clubs. He envisioned the nine of clubs in North’s hand so discarded the ten under the ace and played small on the next club. Imre András won the trick with the nine and cashed his diamonds. Great plan, good execution, well done!
’24 Sam Amer Junior USBC
The 2024 Sam Amer Junior United States Bridge Championship (SAJUSBC) took place in Atlanta from December 27 to January 2, coinciding perfectly with the winter holiday season. This year’s tournament was a unique blend of competition and training, offering young...
Jan 9, 2025