A new month marks another exciting journey for the LoveBridge team. This time, we embarked on a trip to Croatia, hitting the road on Tuesday night with our fully packed minivan. Despite the weather not being entirely in our favour, we arrived in time and began unpacking for the upcoming events.
The primary purpose of our visit was to organize the 21st European Champions Cup and the very 1st European Women Champions Cup, both of which made use of the LoveBridge Bid+Score system.
With a packed schedule, the three-day tournament demanded our team’s unwavering commitment from 8 am to 9 pm each day, ensuring smooth playing conditions for all participants.
Originally the Champions Cup this year intended to host 18 teams (12 in the Open category and 8 in the Women’s). However, due to unfortunate circumstances, the outbreak of war on October 7th, the two Israeli teams that were to participate had to withdraw their participation. Despite EBL’s efforts they were only able to find a replacement team for the Open category but could not find one for the Women’s category.

With only 7 Women’s teams, we had to face the challenge of a three-team match in the consolation phase. This required on-site integration of our and EBL’s systems. However, through effective collaboration with EBL’s IT specialist, we were able to solve this problem.
It is safe to say that the event was a great success, and we hope the combination of the cups and our system can be continued. We extend our heartfelt congratulations to all the participants, with special recognition to the Italian team for their victory in the Open category and the French team for triumphing in the Women’s category.
We encourage all players to request access and explore their personal statistics on our stats site, allowing them to gain valuable insights into their performance.
For those interested, the results can be found on the following link, where you can also hover your cursor over the contracts to view the bidding details.