In July 2024, the historic city of Wroclaw, Poland, played host to two prestigious international bridge tournaments – the 29th European Youth Team Championship and the 8th World Transnational Youth Championship. The events, which ran concurrently from July 7 to July 18 using the LoveBridge Bid+Score system, brought together over 500 of the best young bridge players from across Europe and around the world.
The tournaments were a resounding success, with a fantastic atmosphere throughout the 12-day event. Players ranging in age from 11 to 31 competed at the highest level, showcasing the talent and potential of the next generation of bridge stars.
It is interesting to note that the last time the European Youth Team Championships were held in Wroclaw was in 2013. This means that the youngest participants in this year’s event were not even born the last time the city hosted this prestigious competition. There were also players who took part in both the 2013 and this year’s championships, giving them a unique insight into how the playing field has changed over the years.
From a logistical point of view, the tournaments also set new records for LoveBridge. A total of 480 bridge tablets were used simultaneously during the tournaments – never before had so many tablets been in play at the same time. It is also exciting that there was a point at the World Championships when 7 segments were running at the same time – 5 group finals plus 2 consolation tournaments.
Overall, the 2024 European and Transnational Youth Bridge Championships in Wroclaw were great events, with the smooth running of the tournaments and the electric atmosphere are sure to have left a lasting impression on all who attended.

For those interested in the results, you can find them on the following links:
More pictures can be found on the European Bridge League’s facebook page: